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Devil (デビル Debiru?), also known as Devil Kazuya (デビル一八 Debiru Kazuya?), is a character who made his debut in the original Tekken and is one of the main villiains of the series. He is the cursed soul of Kazuya Mishima and later Jin Kazama. Originally a malevolent entity with the intent of possessing either Kazuya or Jin, one half has merged with Kazuya.

Though there are supposedly multiple 'devils' within the series, only the entity which inhabited Kazuya is referred to as 'Devil'. He is the final boss for every character in Tekken 2 except for himself, if the player uses Devil then his final boss will be Angel. Devil can take his own form or can take over the body of Kazuya or Jin to become Devil Kazuya or Devil Jin respectively.



Devil is a power-hungry, unforgivable entity who is motivated by power above all else, and enjoys causing pain to other people. He displays no remorse for the damage that he causes to others in his quest for aboslute power and control over the world. He is also extremely arrogant, as he believes that his power is unmatchable. He appears to be very cunning and is ruthless in battle.

Fighting style

Devil's fighting style resembles Mishima Karate but with the added ability of flight and a laser beam attack.


T2 Devil

The Devil as he appears in Tekken 2

Tekken 2

After being thrown into a mountain ravine by his father, Heihachi Mishima, Kazuya Mishima was approached by an entity of frightening power known as Devil. The entity offered Kazuya the power to overthrow his father in exchange for his soul. Kazuya, driven by anger and revenge, accepted Devil's offer. The power of Devil allowed Kazuya to finally defeat Heihachi in the final round of the first King of Iron Fist Tournament. Since Kazuya met Jun Kazama, another entity was created within Kazuya known as Angel which represented all that was good within him.

Regardless of Kazuya's internal struggles he still announced the second King of Iron Fist Tournament. During the final round, a vengeful Heihachi easily beats Kazuya forcing Devil to take over Kazuya's body, transforming him into his Hybrid form Devil Kazuya. Despite his advantages, Devil Kazuya is defeated by Heihachi and a part of his spirit flees Kazuya's unconscious body. Heihachi then threw Kazuya's lifeless body into the mouth of a volcano, leaving Kazuya's half of the Devil to be destroyed alongside his son.

In Kazuya's and Devil's Tekken 2 ending, Devil leaves Kazuya's body and becomes his own form.

Tekken 3

The part of Devil that fled attempted to inhabit the body of Kazuya's and Jun's unborn child Jin Kazama. Jun fought this part of Devil off but it succeeded fifteen years later after her apparent demise when it branded the now teenage Jin with a mark on his left arm, possessing him. Since Jin still had the Angel side of his mother in him, Devil and Jin were not one being like that of Kazuya and his Devil.

During the climax of the third King of Iron Fist Tournament Jin was shot in the head by Heihachi. Revived by the Devil Gene within him, Jin reawakened as Devil Jin and made quick work of Heihachi and the guards that accompanied him. Jin has been able to use the power of Devil to transform into Devil Jin ever since.

Tekken 4

A few days after Kazuya was thrown into a volcano by Heihachi, his body was retrieved by G-Corporation, a biotech firm. They managed to bring Kazuya back to life, which re-awoke the leftover part of Devil that existed inside his body. With G-Corporation's help, Kazuya began investigating the biomechanics of the Devil Gene within him by subjecting himself to various experiments. Kazuya believed that he would be able to control and unlock the power of the Devil Gene, and thus control the power of Devil.

Twenty years later during the events of the fourth King of Iron Fist Tournament, Kazuya was supposed to meet his son, Jin Kazama, in the seventh round of the tournament. Kazuya was declared the winner by default by tournament officials, however he sensed that Heihachi had some involvement in Jin's disappearance. Heihachi's plans were to lure both Jin and Kazuya to the tournament to obtain the Devil Gene for himself. Combined with the blood of Ogre, Heihachi hoped to achieve immortality. Proceeding to the final round of the tournament, Kazuya met with Heihachi and fought him in battle once again. Heihachi emerged as the victor of the fight, but was still willing to take Kazuya to Jin.

Heihachi leads Kazuya to Hon-Maru, a temple deep within the Mishima compound where Jin was being held captive. Inside Hon-Maru and upon seeing the subdued Jin, Kazuya's eyes began to glow red as Devil took control of his body. Devil confirms his theory that the other half of himself was inside Jin much to the surprise of Heihachi, who demanded to know who he was speaking with. Devil reveals himself and that after Heihachi almost killed him twenty years ago, his being seperated and that he is there to retrieve his other half.

Thanking Heihachi in the process for making the search easier, he then proceeds to knock Heihachi out of the room with his telekinetic powers. Devil attempts to absorb the rest of his being, subconsciously taunting Jin, telling Jin to curse him and hate him. But the chains that bind Jin act as a Devil Gene suppressant, preventing him from absorbing his other half. Devil presumes that the Kazama blood within Jin is the reason he can't absorb his other half, but before he can do anything else, Devil is shocked to find that Kazuya has discovered a method which unifies their power. Kazuya states that Devil has now become a part of him and has complete control over the entity's power. With Kazuya and Devil now acting as one being, Kazuya challenged the now conscious Jin, who was both confused and angry after being tormented by Devil, defeated Kazuya.


The Possession Of Jin Kazama Called Devil Jin

Following the battle of Hon-Maru, Jin had fled and Kazuya woke up alongside Heihachi. Suddenly, a squad of Jack-4's sent by G-Corporation to ambushed Hon-Maru. The robots identified Heihachi as one of the targets and tried to take out both the weary Kazuya and Heihachi. The two fought off the attackers together, but eventually, Kazuya took an opportunity to flee and threw his father to their enemies. As Hon-Maru exploded from the self destructing Jack-4, Kazuya transformed into his Devil form and flew away. Since completely unifiying his power with Devil, Kazuya seems to have become even more consumed by his evil side, taking over G-Corporation and attempting to take over the world with evil intent in his eyes.

Other appearances

Tekken Tag Tournament

Devil appeared in Tekken Tag Tournament as a playable character.

Tekken Tag Special Alliance Partners

Namco X Capcom

Devil Kazuya appeared as a NPC boss. He is sought out by Jin and ends up fighting against heroes such as King, as well Ryu and Ken Masters from Capcom's Street Fighter series.

He attempts to obtain the Soul Edge sword from the Soul series (also produced by Namco). He is attacked by Shadaloo because M. Bison was interested in the Devil Gene. Jin, Heihachi, and Ryu manage to spoil his plans by defeating him and returning him to his normal state.

Tekken Tag Tournament 2

Devil appeared in Tekken Tag Tournament 2 as a transformation for Kazuya.

Special Alliance Partners:

Tekken Revolution

Devil appeared in Tekken Revolution as a transformation for Kazuya.

Character Relationships

  • Angel - The possible angelic/good side of Kazuya's soul presumably from Jun. It is assumed that this entity in Kazuya was destroyed after Devil merged with Kazuya.
  • Kazuya Mishima - Possessed Kazuya in exchange for saving his life which resulted in the large scar on his chest. At first, Devil, Angel and Kazuya were seperate entities that could each morph Kazuya or take their own form until Devil split to take over Jin. In the end of Tekken 4, they destroyed Angel and merged to permanently become Devil Kazuya.
  • Jin Kazama - Attempted to possess him before he was born. The second half of Devil possessed him later in life, resulting in the tattoo on Jin's arm. With Angel still in him, Jin is not merged with the Devil in him but can become the form Devil Jin.



  • Tekken 2 suggests that Kazuya's soul was not fully consumed by Devil and that the two are, in fact, separate entities. For example, the character profile for Angel states that she represents Kazuya's good side. Also, Kazuya's Tekken 2 ending, depicts him battling against Devil, supporting this theory.
  • During the time-frame of Tekken 4, Devil and Kazuya apparently act as one.
  • Devil has not officially been a playable character since Tekken Tag Tournament, but he made a brief cameo in Tekken 5, as well as some of his body parts being able to be customized on Kazuya, such as the Devil horns, Devil wings, etc.
  • Devil resembles the character "Devilman" from the OVA of the same name.
  • So far, only 2 devils are known to exist: Devil Jin, Devil Kazuya.
  • Devil's appearance in Kazuya's and Angel's Tekken Tag Tournament 2 ending is his Tekken: Blood Vengeance appearance.


  • To unlock him, the player must beat the Galaga game while the game is loading and get a perfect score on all 8 stages.
  • Counts as a third costume of Kazuya (his name is shown under his health bar instead of Devil's).

Tekken 2:

  • The final boss of the game.

Tekken 3:

  • Devil is not a playable character but is seen in the Tekken 3 alternate introduction video.
    • However, Devil can be playable with a hacking device. His fighting style is a reused True Ogre's moveset.

Tekken Tag Tournament:

  • To unlock him, beat the game with eleven different characters.
  • He now has his own player 2 costume while Angel counts as his alternate costume.
  • Devil's Inferno is purple in this game. Unlike the Tekken 2's Inferno, which was yellow.
  • He is one of the few characters that Mokujin/Tetsujin or Unknown cannot acquire moves of.
  • Choosing both Kazuya and Devil in Tekken Tag Tournament, and then tagging either character into the match results in the morphing of one into the other (tagging in Devil while playing as Kazuya results in Kazuya morphing into Devil, and vice versa). Before the fight, whoever was chosen first will enter the match alone.
  • Using Devil's Inferno on Prototype Jack, Jack-2 or Gun Jack will cause them to go berzerk and flail their arms around for a few seconds.

Tekken 4:

  • He is not playable but he appears in Kazuya's prologue and epilogue.

Tekken 5:

  • He is not playable but he appears in Kazuya's prologue.
  • Kazuya can be customized to resemble Devil by equipping the following items: Devil's Horns, Third Eye, Devil Wings and Devil Tail on his 2P costume.

Tekken 6:

  • Similar body parts of him are customization items of Devil Jin.

Tekken Tag Tournament 2:

  • Devil is now a transformed state for Kazuya as part of his moveset, while in the demo version of the game, Kazuya start of in his Blood Vengeance devil form instead of human form.
  • The possible reason why Devil Kazuya is Kazuya's transformation other than a separate character is because of the two becoming one in the aftermath of Tekken 4 and onwards.


  • While Devil himself is not actually in Street Fighter X Tekken, an energy-like manifestation of his wings can be seen during Kazuya's Devil Beam super art. Poison's Swap Costume design is also based on Devil.



See also
